The episodic storyline begins with Fimmel, a stoic and shrewd businessman, calling engineer Charles Knapp into a meeting in which Fimmel compliments Kapp on his ingenuity and loyalty to the company. He explains, “You are not what we would deem as executive stock. However, your loyalty makes you the perfect candidate to oversee our new joint venture in India." Charles jumps at the opportunity. As he leaves, Fimmel stops him with a statement that is equal parts insulting and encouraging.
"I do not believe you will be successful in this venture.
No one does. Prove us wrong."
As Charles eagerly takes on this new adventure, he discovers unethical practices at the joint venture in India that led to the death of a worker. Fearing for workers and consumers alike, he sets out to expose the truth which leads him to a dark secret about his company's past. With the help of his love interest, Eesha, he untangles a web of corruption that brings powerful enemies and unexpected allies in a thrilling drama about the clash of cultures and the price of truth in a corporate world of power and greed.
Charles is smitten but Eesha maintains her distance. She’s seen expats come and go...
It's at the office, Charles meets Eesha, the assistant of Daksh, a brash and ruthless businessman who does whatever it takes to make the joint venture profitable. Charles pushes for an explanation about the incident, and Daksh fires off angrily at the lazy and unqualified nature of the workers. Eesha, knowing that Charles is investigating the death of the company worker, points him in a direction where he could find answers. Grateful, he sees her as an ally, though he can't get Daksh's words out of his head.
"We simply need to hire better
and more dedicated employees."
Daksh is a problem, but a much more sinister plot is hidden and underway at D-LAG itself. As Charles reports back to Fimmel and submits his report with a plan to grow the facilities output and cut costs to make the facility more profitable, Fimmel is pleased until Charles brings up questions about funds that are unaccounted for in the company reports. At this point, Charles's Indian driver, Khadu, offers him helpful advice, making Charles, Eesha, and him a discreet but effective team.
"India needs reorganization...
for traffic laws and company ethics alike!"
With the help of Khadu, Eesha, and against all odds, Charles fights to expose the truth, confronting the corrupt leadership of D-LAG, and in the process, risking his life and reputation. As Charles races to unravel the truth and hold the company accountable, he faces powerful enemies, gains unexpected allies, and confronts moral dilemmas that will test his faith and principles.
Will Charles save the joint venture,
or will he become a victim of the system?
There's More
Learn about the EPISODIC streaming series planned for Masala Joint Venture.
If you ever plan to visit India,
learn about some of the highlights of PUNE.